Authorize IP - Another layer in securing your Account


Last Update 6 mesi fa

Authorizing IP refers to the process of granting access or permissions to a specific IP address within the system of Fruitask. This security measure ensures that only authorized IP addresses can access certain resources and perform specific actions, adding an extra layer of protection against unauthorized access or malicious activities. By authorizing specific IP addresses, organizations can control and restrict access to sensitive data or critical systems, enhancing overall security.

To check and modify your IP address, check the picture below:
Click your "Profile Icon"

Click "My Account"

After proceeding to "My Account" page, you just need to scroll down to see the security section. By then, you can start to modify and make changes on your IP address.

Fruitask user's can manually input all the IP address they wish to access  the project or workplace up to ten devices, this is to give a more convenient way to collaborate with your team, and making sure the security of the project or workplace at the same time.

Please see the picture below, and use "comma" "," as separation if you will input multiple IP address.

However, in the premise of the Philippines, internet service providers (ISPs) is the one that assign IP addresses to their users. It implies that users from the Philippines using these ISPs may encounter limitations, restrictions, or issues while accessing or utilizing our system due to compatibility or technical constraints. Therefore, it is advisable for users in the Philippines, specifically those using PLDT and Globe, to contact Fruitask support to continues and ensure seamless compatibility and functionality.

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