Form Iframe


Last Update hace 10 meses

The Form Iframe feature in your Fruitask project allows users to embed their forms into external websites or web pages using an iframe. By providing a small code snippet in HTML format, users can easily incorporate their forms and make them accessible to visitors on their own websites.

Example Usage:

In Fruitask, the Form Iframe feature can be utilized as follows:

1. Website Integration: Users can copy the provided HTML code snippet, which includes an iframe element, and paste it into their website's HTML code. This embeds the form into the desired web page, making it seamlessly accessible to website visitors.

2. Custom Styling: The iframe element can be customized using CSS styles to match the design and layout of the host website. Users can modify the height, width, borders, and other visual aspects of the iframe to ensure a consistent and visually appealing integration.

3. Responsive Design: The iframe can be set to a responsive width by using the percentage value for the width attribute. This allows the form to adapt and fit within different screen sizes and devices, ensuring a responsive user experience for visitors accessing the form on various platforms.

4. Seamless User Experience: With the Form Iframe, users can maintain a seamless user experience for their website visitors. Visitors can interact with and submit the embedded form without leaving the website, eliminating the need for redirection or navigating to external pages.

By providing the Form Iframe feature in Fruitask, you enable users to easily embed their forms into their own websites. This integration enhances accessibility and convenience for visitors, allowing them to interact with the form directly on the host website.

See example iframe code below.

Note: Ensure that the HTML code snippet is inserted into the appropriate section or page of the host website's HTML code. Test the integration thoroughly to confirm that the form functions correctly within the iframe on different web browsers and devices. Additionally, provide clear instructions or documentation to guide users on how to use the Form Iframe feature and embed their forms successfully.

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