

Last Update 6 个月前

The Attachment data type is a valuable feature in your Fruitask project. It enables users to upload and associate files or documents directly within the system, allowing for seamless organization and access to relevant project materials.

Example Usage:

In Fruitask, the Attachment data type can be utilized in various scenarios, such as:

1. File Attachments: Users can upload and attach files to specific tasks, providing necessary resources, references, or supporting documentation. This could include documents, spreadsheets, images, presentations, or any other file format relevant to the task at hand.

2. Proof of Concept: Attachments can be used to showcase prototypes, wireframes, or design mockups associated with a task. This allows stakeholders and team members to review and provide feedback on visual representations of the project's progress.

3. Reports and Analysis: Users can attach reports, research findings, or data analysis documents to tasks. This ensures that all relevant information and insights are readily available for team members to reference and make informed decisions.

4. Communication: Attachments can facilitate seamless communication by enabling users to share relevant files directly within task discussions or comments. This promotes effective collaboration, as team members can easily refer to or download shared files for further review or action.

5. Version Control: If multiple versions of a file are created during the course of a task, attachments can be used to keep track of these iterations. Users can upload and associate each version, allowing for easy comparison and access to previous versions if needed.

Two-Way Attachment

1. Upload your files: from your local computer, make sure to read

https://fruitask.tawk.help/article/uploading-files for supported formats and file size limitation.

2. Upload via URL: We also offer uploading files like a self-hosting storage if you do have. It support files such as images, zip files and more.

TIPS: You can also paste some of Google products links like YoutubeGoogle Docs, SpreadSheets and Slide. You can open it directly to Fruitask as long you use Google Login and have direct access to your account.

Supported Viewer

Here's the supported files that has a built-in viewer inside Fruitask:

1. Google Docs, Spreadsheets, Slide

2. Youtube Player

3. JSON Viewer

4. PDF Viewer

5. TXT Viewer

6. Image Viewer

7. Video Player

8. Audio Player

By leveraging the Attachment data type effectively, Fruitask provides a centralized repository for all project-related files and ensures that essential information is conveniently accessible to the entire team.

Note: Consider implementing appropriate file size limits, file format restrictions, and security measures to ensure the smooth functioning and integrity of your attachment feature.

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