Uploading Files

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Last Update 7 เดือนที่แล้ว

Supported file extensions refer to the types of files that a software or system is capable of recognizing and processing. These extensions are typically represented by the three or four characters following the period in a file's name. Different file extensions correspond to specific file formats and determine how the file is structured and can be opened or used.

Supported File Extensions

1. .docx: Microsoft Word document format.

2. .pdf: Portable Document Format, commonly used for sharing read-only documents.

3. .xslx: Microsoft Excel spreadsheet format.

4. .ppt: Microsoft PowerPoint presentation format.

5. .acc: Audio file format for Microsoft Access databases.

6. .txt: Plain text file format, containing unformatted text.

7. .jpg, .png, .webp.jpeg, .ico, .gif: Common image file formats for photographs, icons, and graphics.

8. .aia: App Inventor Project File, used in MIT App Inventor for creating Android applications.

9. .csv: Comma-separated values file, commonly used for storing tabular data.

10. .mp3: Audio file format for storing compressed audio data.

11. .zip: Compressed file format, used for bundling multiple files or folders into a single archive.

12. .apk: Android application package file, used for installing applications on Android devices.

13. .psd: Adobe Photoshop Document, the default file format for Photoshop projects.

14. .svg: Scalable Vector Graphics, a vector image format widely used on the web.

15. .js, .css, .html: File extensions for JavaScript, Cascading Style Sheets, and Hypertext Markup Language,

respectively, which are fundamental web development languages.

16. .json: JavaScript Object Notation, a lightweight data interchange format.

File Size Limit

The allowed maximum size is 15MB per batch. You can upload as much as many as long it won't exceed 15MB per batch. Also keep in mind that for FREE plan you are only allowed to save 50MB. So make sure to manage your files by deleting some non-important data.

Manage your Files

If you're using FREE plan and manage 50MB allotted storage, you may want to consider tracking and backup you files. Fruitask allowed you to save your files for temporary purposes and allows you to download again to clean up your storage. 

Right there you can "Download" your files and backup to your local drive or USB, then your can "Erase on server" to clean up your projects storage. However if you need more storage you can upgrade your account here.

Self-Hosted Storage

Fruitask also offers self-hosted storage features, where you can upload files or attachment using your own file url such as images, video or audio. You can try this feature using "Attachment" data types, just paste the url there and you're ready to use it. Make sure to understand supported file extension.

You can just input or paste any attachment link there.

Supported Attached File

Here are the following supported viewer with integrated inside Fruitask.

1. Youtube

2. Google Slides

3. Google Spreadsheets

4. Google Docs

5. PDF


7. MS Excel

8. MS Powerpoint

9. MS Docs

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